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The UMAT Manual (Order Form)

The notes are very thorough and informative, providing step by step guides on how to do questions and information about the types of questions. [They are] very informative. 10/10 – student, MacRobertson Girls High School

[The notes are] very detailed, [with] brilliant tips and tricks and great examples. The questions and tips were very useful… they were perfect 10/10 – student, Nossal High School

[The notes are] well set out and comprehensive. The preamble for each section, the layout of the book itself and the worked solutions are excellent 10/10 – student, Kilvington Grammar School

[The notes are] excellent learning material and well-organised, [with] good examples and explanations. 10/10 – student, Mount Waverley Secondary School

[The notes are] informative and descriptive, and provide ample examples. [It contains] good examples and step-by-step methods on how to handle different questions 10/10 – student, Loreto Mandeville Hall

[The notes are] very detailed. You explained very well and helped me understand better. 10/10 – student, Mount Waverley Secondary College

[The notes are] concise, neat [and] all good! I like how it’s written from a personal perspective and not using vague general terms. 9.5/10 – student, Melbourne High School

The notes are seriously great! I’ll be sharing them with my friends. 9.5/10 – student, Melbourne High School

The notes are really easy to understand and [were]… written clearly; they are structured in [a] really good order. [They are] easy to understand, have everything you need to know and are fun to read as they sound like [someone’s] talking. 9/10 – student, John Monash Science School

The notes contained worked examples and thorough descriptions of different techniques. The questions are challenging and not ordinary. Very detailed. 9/10 – student, John Monash Science School

[The notes are] easy to understand, with lots of detail. They are set out well, with a good amount of practice questions to do. 9/10 – student, St Pauls Anglican Grammar School

[The notes are] in-depth, very useful, and have lots of good strategies. I learnt a lot through the notes (example: what not to do [and] how I should tackle it), and feel more confident now with UMAT questions. 9/10 – student, Doncaster Secondary College

Please do contact us with any feedback that you would like to give!